Magical Trio Mocktail

null Magical Trio Mocktail


Magical Trio Mocktail has the freshness of orange and aroma of pineapple and magic of beetroot juice.


        Serving:                    1

        Cooking Time:         10-15 Mins

        Complexity:              Simple

        Taste:                        Sweet


Item Quantity
Orange juice 1/2 cup
Pineapple juice 1/4 cup
Rose grenadine syrup 2 tablespoons
Beetroot Juice 1/4 cup
Soda 1/4 cup
Sugar syrup 2 tablespoons
Lemon Juice 1 tablespoon
Ice cubes 4-6

  • Step 1

Pour orange juice, pineapple juice, and lemon juice in a shaker. After putting 4-6 ice cubes in a shaker, shake well.

  • Step 2

Pour all mixture of shaker in glass and now carefully slip rose grenadine syrup into the glass. As you slide rose grenadine syrup by using an inner wall of glass, redness will start settling down on the bottom of the glass.

  • Step 3

Now take a separate cup and pour beetroot juice and an equal amount of soda. Just mix well and transfer this mixed liquid to glass very slowly. Use a spoon while transferring liquid. This deep red liquid will float on the top portion of the glass. Even you shake the glass it will not mix with juice. And this makes your Magical Trio Mocktail ready to serve.


Always serve Magical Trio Mocktail freshly prepared.

Magical Trio Mocktail has the freshness of orange and aroma of pineapple and magic of beetroot juice.

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