About Us
About us
Typically, a recipe is a high-level instruction to cook a dish and VegCraving brings you many delicious recipes with exact measurements of ingredients so that you will get the best taste out of your effort. All recipes have been tested with several group of people and approved by wide range of age groups. Only after taste of a dish is perfect, we put each recipe in step by step guide.
In VegCraving we will keep on bringing vegetarian recipes from all over world, specially vegetarian dishes from all parts of India.
Feel free to send your query directly to us info@vegcraving.com.
Food allergy Notice:
Please be advised that food recipes given in website www.vegcraving.com may contain nuts, eggs, soy and dairy products (and any other allergen ). Please send us communication to us at info@vegcraving.com for any clearification before consuming any food prepared after following www.vegcraving.com and wait for our response.